Innovative storyteller. Brand builder. Strategic marketer.

I’m a marketing leader and award-winning author with a PhD in narrative and storytelling.
I deliver compelling content and brand guidance whether your audience is B2B or B2C. 
My work has helped big brands, startups, and nonprofits alike. 

Smart Cameras And The Intelligent Edge: A Genius Combination

Used for retail, security, or industrial markets, smart cameras have seen steady growth in popularity, and it’s easy to see why. As with computing in general, smart cameras have evolved to offer greater computing power in a smaller and comparatively cheaper package. Factor in greater ease of connectivity and the packaging of additional sensors on cameras to measure everything from audio to temperature to humidity and more, and the appeal is clear: smart cameras are allowing users to do more whil

Connectivity testing unleashed - Telecom Review

If the last few years have shown us anything, it’s just how critical network connectivity has become to daily life. Ookla is thrilled to be back at Mobile World Congress (in-person!) to celebrate what today’s connectivity has already enabled. We’re equally excited to open conversation about how our unique crowd-plus-controlled testing framework can catalyze, as this year’s MWC theme suggests, a future of “connectivity unleashed” that creates new opportunities for consumers and enterprises alike.

Council Post: Connectivity And The Path Toward Global Sustainability

CEO of RootMetrics, an IHS Markit company, providing key mobile performance benchmarking and insights across multiple industries.

At this point, it's become trite to note that the world is growing smaller as the connections between all of us grow tighter. The divisions between local and global continue to shrink as we realize that actions in one part of the world impact every other part. Look no further than the last year of dealing with Covid-19 to understand that global flows and movements ha

Council Post: Five Things To Keep In Mind When Thinking About 5G

CEO of RootMetrics, an IHS Markit company, providing key mobile performance benchmarking and insights across multiple industries.

From advertisements to webinars to articles in mainstream news, 5G is a hot topic. And for good reason. 5G will be a key foundation for unlocking new business value, help make sexy applications like autonomous driving or remote surgery a reality, and power smart cities, factories and farms.

But we’re not there yet. Indeed, at this point, we’re barely scratching the

Saying goodbye: Learning to live and love in dog years

My dog is dying. He’s been lucky and I’ve been lucky — he doesn’t have cancer like so many other dogs I’ve known. But age is something you can’t avoid. He has good days now and then. But the bad days are stacking up and resetting what we know as “normal.” I’m having trouble with that. I’m having trouble with seeing him hurting and deteriorating. I’m having trouble finding how to let go.

It’s easy to say we all get old. Or to say that it will take away his pain. Or to say that he’s had a good li

Love, Vulnerability And Painting A New Self: I Fall Apart Willingly.

I have been granted approximately 85 years in this universe (maybe more if I exercise and watch my cholesterol). What am I going to do with them?

That’s 85 years filled with opportunities to be vulnerable, to love and be loved. But that simple-sounding mission — to be vulnerable — has turned out to be surprisingly difficult.

After all, once you decide to be vulnerable, you have opened yourself to the possibility, perhaps even the likelihood, that you will be hurt. It is terrifying to be open a

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